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Apache Cordova Android 3.7.1
06 Feb 2015

We are happy to announce that Cordova Android 3.7.1 has been released!

This release has numerous bug fixes, and sets the target-sdk to android-21 (which yields a pretty good graphics speed-up on Lollipop devices!). It will be the default Android version when the cordova-cli 4.1.0 is released.

To upgrade:

npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update android@3.7.1

To add it explicitly:

cordova platform add android@3.7.1

For non-CLI projects or for pre-3.0 projects, refer to the upgrade guides.

What's new in Android

  • CB-8411 Fixed regression with view hierarchy not being initialized before plugins.
  • CB-8328 Allow plugins to handle certificate challenges
  • CB-8201 Add support for auth dialogs into Cordova Android
  • CB-8017 Add support for <input type=file> for Lollipop
  • CB-8329 Cancel outstanding ActivityResult requests when a new startActivityForResult occurs
  • CB-8026 Bumping up Android Version and setting it up to allow third-party cookies This might change later
  • CB-8210 Eliminate usages of sendJavascript() to be CSP compliant
  • CB-8143 Numerous gradle changes. Try it out with cordova build android -- --gradle
  • CB-8079 Use activity class package name, but fallback to application package name when looking for splash screen drawable
  • CB-8147 Have cordova/build warn about unrecognized flags rather than fail
  • CB-8119 Restart adb when we detect it's hung
  • CB-8112 Turn off mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture
  • CB-6153 Add a preference for controlling hardware button audio stream (DefaultVolumeStream)
  • CB-8081 Allow gradle builds to use Java 6 instead of requiring Java 7
  • CB-8031 Fix race condition that shows as ConcurrentModificationException
  • CB-7976 Use webView's context rather than Activity's context for intent receiver
  • CB-7974 Cancel timeout timer if view is destroyed
  • CB-7940 Disable exec bridge if bridgeSecret is wrong
  • CB-7758 Allow content-url-hosted pages to access the bridge
  • CB-6511 Fixes build for android when app name contains unicode characters
  • CB-7707 Added multipart PluginResult
  • CB-6837 Fix leaked window when hitting back button while alert being rendered
  • CB-7674 Move preference activation back into onCreate()
  • CB-7499 Support RTL text direction
  • CB-7511 Vastly improve auto-detection of Android SDK and JDK instll locations

Tools Release: January 09, 2015
09 Jan 2015 - By Steve Gill

New versions of cordova tools are now live! cordova-lib@4.2.0 cordova@4.2.0 plugman@0.22.17 cordova-js@3.7.3...


Plugins Release: February 10, 2015
10 Feb 2015 - By Andrew Grieve

The following plugins were updated today: cordova-plugin-battery-status@0.2.12 cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.5 cordova-plugin-console@0.2.13 cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.16 cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.11 cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.11...