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cordova-plugin-inappbrowser Plugin Release
04 Feb 2016

An important regression issue was discovered for cordova-plugin-inappbrowser version 1.2.0. We are releasing version 1.2.1 of cordova-plugin-inappbrowser to address CB-10407: InAppBrowser not firing loadstart event on Android. This release also includes some other improvements for Android, iOS and Windows platforms.

You can update the plugin by removing it, and then re-adding it.

cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-inappbrowser --save
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser --save

Changes include:


  • CB-10407 InAppBrowser not firing loadstart event on android
  • CB-10428 Fix syntax error when browserifying inAppBrowser plugin
  • handle app store urls in system browser on iOS
  • CB-6702 InAppBrowser hangs when opening more than one instance on Android
  • CB-10456 InAppBrowser is not closed if I close it programmatically on Android
  • CB-10451 InAppBrowser: loadstart event is not triggered on Windows
  • CB-10452 InAppBrowser: exit event is not triggered on Windows
  • CB-10454 InAppBrowser: loaderror event does not have code and message on Windows
  • CB-10450 InAppBrowser: Unable to get property canGoBack of undefined on Windows
  • CB-10441 Add auto tests for InAppBrowser plugin

Apache Cordova Windows 4.3.1
04 Feb 2016 - By Vladimir Kotikov

We are happy to announce that Cordova Windows 4.3.1 has been released!...


Plugins Release
09 Feb 2016 - By Vladimir Kotikov

The following plugins were updated today: cordova-plugin file@4.1.1 cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.3.0 cordova-plugin-media@2.2.0 cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.1.1 cordova-plugin-splashscreen@3.2.0...